The government targets to release open registration for the Philippine Identification (ID) system in targeted communities and release the first batch of IDs late this year.
So far, Socioeconomic Planning Secretary Ernesto M. Pernia said they are on track to meeting this target. Mass registration is expected to commence by next year.
“By 2020, we expect the registration system to be more established allowing for more Filipinos to avail of the service,” Pernia said.
Based on the PhilSys Implementation Plan, which was approved by the PhilSys Policy and Coordination Council in late February 2019, Pernia said the project will be implemented in four phases.
The government is currently in Phase 1, which is scheduled for implementation from January to December 2019.
This involves procurement and testing of core technology infrastructure as well as the organizational development of the PhilSys Registry Office (PRO).
The PRO, which is tasked to implement the PhilSys, was created by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), an attached agency of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), in November 2018.
In a Notice to the Public issued on March 15, National Statistician and Civil Registrar General Lisa Grace S. Bersales said the PRO is finalizing the bidding documents and terms of reference or the procurement of the system through competitive bidding.
She warned that persons or entities collecting fees and representing themselves as authorized registration centers are not connected to the PRO.
“We intend to start the first phase of the registration under the Philippine Identification System later this year,” she added.
Phase 2, which will take place from January to June 2020, will entail the development and full operationalization of core technology infrastructure, development of a mass registration ecosystem, use case development, and registration of pre-registered persons.
Phase 3, from July 2020 to June 2022, will involve mass registration of 110 million Filipinos and resident aliens as well as overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).
Phase 4, July 2022 to December 2022, will involve issuance of PhilSys Numbers, or PSNs, to newborns.
PhilSys provides for a national ID system that seeks to merge all government IDs into one. It is envisioned to facilitate public and private transactions for all Filipino citizens and resident aliens.
“Having one national ID will strengthen financial inclusion by reducing the cost of transactions through easier authentication procedures. This way, the marginalized will have easier, faster access to public programs,” Pernia said.
The PhilSys Act was signed into law on August 6, 2018. Its implementing rules and regulations were issued in October 2018. (Ventures Cebu)